Saturday, June 13, 2009

Eye Trouble Part II

We took almost the entire herd to Tombstone today for a parade. Included in the horses we took along was our eye-injured horse, Charlie. The eye is pretty much healed now but there is still some scarring on the cornea which looks like a cloudy spot on his eyeball. The scar tends to obscure his vision a little in his left eye. I had forgotten about the vision problems as we had been using him for riding practice and hadn't noticed any problems. However, when we were riding down Allen Street today Charlie began jumping around and seemingly spooked by everything he saw (or didn't see). After a while it occurred to me that he was reacting to things because he could not see them clearly. So, I decided to place my horse next to him on the side with the bad eye to see what would happen. Once Charlie had a friendly horse on his left side it didn't matter that he couldn't see clearly on that side. He felt more secure with his left side protected and he calmed down immediately. Another lesson learned.

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