Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Surgery for Cochise

Photo by Ty Holland

Debbie and I took Chili and Cochise to Arizona Equine today to be examined. Chili has a cracked tooth and Cochise has cancer growths on the end of his penis. They were evaluated for possible surgery. Chili has had the cracked tooth for a long time but hasn't had any real problems with it. However, as part of the tooth as broken off our military vets thought we should get a second opinion on whether or not the tooth should be removed. With Cochise it was a case of determining if the cancer had spread too far already or if it could be stopped with a partial penis amputation. After a consultation between AZ Equine and the mil vet, it was determined to hold off on removing Chili's tooth. However, it was determined that the cancer in Cochise had not yet spread and that he could be saved with surgery. Thus, Chili came home with us tonight and is safely back in his pen while Cochise was left in Phoenix to be operated on tomorrow. Apparently, there is little post op care required for this surgery other than pain killers and antibiotics. No wound flushing or other difficult treatment. We will probably pick Cochise up again in a couple days. Hopefully, the surgery will stop further spread of the cancer. He's a solid cavalry horse and we'd hate to lose him.

1 comment:

  1. Cochise! Poor ol` hoss! never mind, its better off than on, and hopefully wont come back! Good luck with that!
