Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Set Back

Blade's pole splitting project.
After working with Blade last week to overcome his bit-aversion problem, I kind of forgot about it.  I assigned him to a student thinking his problems were over.  Wrong again.  When Blade saw the student walking toward him with a bridle, he set back against the post.  The post he was tied to was probably about 40 years old. The center of it was rotted out and when Blade panicked and pulled back, he pulled the side of the post off like a banana peal.  The chunk of post was still attached to him by the lead rope and he was trying to get away from it when I moved over to help.  He calmed down when he saw me, so I was able to stand on the wood-chunk and untie the lead rope.  I took him over to another post and loose-tied him.  I put the bridle over his head and he accepted the bit without incident.  I had just assumed that when I was able to bridle him, that anyone could.  I still do not understand what the problem is.  It isn't just the bit that bothers him, it is the combination of the bit and someone he doesn't know trying to put it on him. Another mystery and another problem to solve.  No one ever said my job was boring. 

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